Here's some of my other, non-storyboard work:
2020-2021 Showreel
This is a reel of my work from my first year of university.
Windows into the Past
I designed and made panels for this local history/art project, along with Barbara Touati-Evans. The paint pens + acrylic sections are mine, crochet sections hers. Find out more about the project here!

The Department of Happy Endings (2020)
I made this game as my final project for year 0 of uni. It’s built in twine, with all the writing, art, and code done by me! You can play it on
Investigator in the Carp Caper (2020)
This script + character design + storyboard combo is an ongoing personal project of mine! It was made with the help and encouragement of Suraya Raja, who was my mentor for three months. (if it doesn't load, you can see it here.)
The Squircle (2019)
This short film was made as my A Level film studies coursework. It was the first piece of animated storytelling I made myself, and looks at gender identity in an accessible way.
I've also put some of my still art here, as well as updates on projects I'm working on, things I'm doing, and works that inspire me! In fact, I've got a whole playlist of animated work I like right here.