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@@.narrator;In the beginning, everyone was very sad.@@
@@.narrator;The plants were sad.@@
@@.narrator;The rivers were sad.@@
@@.narrator;The houses, and the shops, and the cars were sad.
(Yes, there were cars at the very beginning, in some places.)@@
@@.narrator;And the people, too, were sad.@@
@@.narrator;Across every universe, sadness spread out into the void, until every universe was sad, and even the gaps between the universes were sad.
No-one could imagine what it was like not to be sad, because that was all there was.@@
@@.narrator;But, something happened. Something very special.@@
@@.narrator;A tiny bubble appeared.@@
@@.narrator;Now, this wasn’t a normal, round bubble, like the kind you or I could make. No, this bubble had two eyes, and a big, happy smiley mouth. It was the only happy place in all the universes!@@
@@.narrator;And in that bubble, there was an office, just like one you might see in any town, anywhere.
It had a coffee machine, and a watercooler,
and a motivational poster on the wall.@@
[[Next|op9]]@@.narrator;But this wasn’t an ordinary office. This was-@@
[[Nex- what?|wake1]]@@.manager;ooooooooOOOOOOO@@
@@.manager;OOOOOOD MORNING!@@
@@.manager;Hi there! I’m your MANAGER! Your manager where, you ask?@@
[[…I don’t think I did ask, actually-|tutorial2]]
@@.manager;Why, the DEPARTMENT OF HAPPY ENDINGS, of course!
Yes, that’s right, your APPLICATION’S gone through, you’ve taken our MANDATORY PERSONALITY QUIZ, and we’ve tested your EPIC SKILLZ to make sure you’re the right person for the job! And you are!@@
[[I don’t remember doing any of those things-|tutorial3]]
@@.manager;Now, obviously you’re going to take this GREAT JOB! But-
There’s actually one thing I need to ask from you.@@
@@.manager;Well, I may have been DRINKING.
Drinking COFFEE, that is! It’s the best way to start your day. But, I got just so excited to have you here that I@@
[[...That you?|tutorial5]]
@@.manager;.small;i spilled the coffee all over your name tag so can you tell me your name please@@
<<textbox "$player" " " "tutorial6">>
@@.manager;Oh, wow! $player ! What an EXCELLENT name.
You wanna hear something else that’s EXCELLENT? Not only am I your manager, that’s my name too! Says it on my PASSPORT and my DRIVERS LICENSE and on my TAKEAWAY PIZZA ACCOUNT! All the places I have my name, it says THE MANAGER.
Cool, right?@@
[[It’s kind of weird, actually.|tutorial7.1]]
[[That is cool!|tutorial7.2]]
@@.manager;.small;Aww, come on...@@
@@.manager;But hey, I’m sure you want to get started on your NEW JOB, right?@@
[[Not really, actually-|tutorial8]]
[[Sure do!|tutorial8]]
@@.manager;It SURE IS!
But hey, I’m sure you want to get started on your NEW JOB, right?@@
[[Not really, actually-|tutorial8]]
[[Sure do!|tutorial8]]
@@.manager;Yes! That’s EXACTLY the answer I was hoping for!
Hey, actually, you sure you want me to SHOW YOU THE ROPES?@@
[[Yeah, I’ve never done this before.|tutorial9]]
[[Nah, I’ve got this.|caseintro1]]
@@.manager;AWESOME! Some ROPES are about to be SHOWN! Great, high quality ropes, that get POINTS ON THEIR QUARTERLY REPORT!@@
[[Uh, what-|tutorial10]]
@@.manager;GREAT! COOL! AMAZING!
Let’s bring in your first case.@@
@@.manager;Here at THE DEPARTMENT OF HAPPY ENDINGS, it’s our job to MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY! In your case, it’s when they can’t figure out how to do it themselves. And you do it using EMPATHY and OTHER INTERPERSONAL SKILLS!@@
@@.manager;Well, when something sad happens in the many, many universes out there, people will make the call to us! We’ve got lots of branches throughout the multiverse. And all of them LEAD BACK HERE!
So, you’ll be introduced to the person who made the call first! It’s your job to listen to their story and give them ADVICE and INSIGHT! But those aren’t the only things you can give them. Sometimes, you might want to give them an ITEM.
ITEM is a fancy word for something you have on your DESK, so take a good look at all of it! And, of course, people might leave things on your DESK too!@@
[[That makes sense!|tutorial12]]
[[That seems like a bad idea…|tutorial12]]
@@.manager;Then, I’ll bring in each of the OTHER PEOPLE in the case! There might be a different number each time, so try to keep track of everyone involved. You should ADVISE and EMPATHISE with them too!
That all make sense? I can go over it again, if you want, but… I don’t really want to.@@
[[Can I hear it again?|tutorial10]]
[[I’m ready to get started.|caseintro1]]
Oh! Wait. I should read you the file first. AHEM…
@@.narrator;In one universe, there’s a forest. @@
[[Next|caseintro4]]@@.narrator;In that forest, there’s a house.@@
[[Next|caseintro5]]@@.narrator;In that house, is someone very important. He’s a great, mighty stag, who works as a woodcutter. His name is-@@
@@.manager;Oh, SORRY! I forgot to mention. Here at the department, we don’t allow people to know our clients’ names. Privacy and all that. Think you could give him a name?@@
<<textbox "$cerf" "" "caseintro6">>
@@.narrator;Well, $cerf sees a knocking at his door. From the other side of the door, there is a rabbit, furiously running for his life-
What's this rabbit's name?@@
<<textbox "$lapin" "" "caseintro7">>
@@.narrator;And $lapin rushes into the house, and says this:
$cerf, $cerf, thank you so much for opening your door. If you hadn’t, THE HUNTER would have killed me!@@
@@.narrator;This was a tricky situation for $cerf. Was he safe? How could he keep $lapin safe? Who was this mysterious hunter?@@
[[Next|caseintro9]]@@.narrator;Well, luckily he knew just what to do, and called THE DEPARTMENT OF HAPPY ENDINGS.@@
@@.manager;(That’s us.)@@
@@.manager;NOW, I’m going to let the rabbit in first, since they’re the one who needs help!
Make sure to use all my ADVICE, by which I mean the DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS I gave you.@@
[[Okay, let’s go!|tobecontinued]]
Wow! Looks like you've found what's currently the end of the game! How strange.
If you enjoyed what you've played so far, please let me know! I'm usually on twitter @rougeteeeee or you can email me at
And, of course, if you're a friend or teacher you can message me however you'd like! I'd love to hear what you think. :)
Thanks for playing!@@.narrator;This game contains mild scares and discussions of violence.
Also, the gifs may take a while to load. If they're not moving, you can wait for them to load, or simply continue. However, this game is played best with a fast internet connection because of that.
I hope you enjoy this demo!@@